"Be miserable or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." ~Dr. Wayne Dyer
This is great! I needed to hear that yesterday. I was wallowing a bit about things. I had a list of things that I thought worthy of my wallowing. I was texting my husband and shared my list of wallow worthy items (which is so embarrassing to admit now). He told me I was stuck in a moment (song title of his favorite band U2 by the way) and not looking at the big picture and all the great things I had coming up. He then shared a list of all the great, non wallow worthy things I had going on. Duh! I was concentrating on the couple of things that were bothering me instead of the gajillion things that were fabulous. I know better than that, don't I? It's easy to get stuck. It's easy to spiral downward and keep on going.
He was right...as usual. What I said back to him was "You're right. I'm wallowing. I'll put on my big girl panties and get it together." Then he said he preferred me in a thong instead of big panties. LOL!! A nice giggle to get my thoughts back in order.

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Picture found on Pinterest courtesy of: http://media.photobucket.com/image/put%20on%20your%20big%20girl%20panties/Undigested/NACBoard/BigGirlPanties_275_275.jpg?o=20
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