October 12, 2012

How do I look 60 days later? Come find out!!

I can't believe how fast these 60 days went. August seems so long ago! I am a whole new person compared to who I was just 60 days ago. 60 days ago I was feeling pretty down about not making big strides in my fitness and nutrition this year. That's why I joined the Challenge Group with Deb and fully committed to Insanity and Shakeology. I just knew this was what I needed to do. I needed to be held accountable and be motivated to keep going. Boy it worked like a charm! Something finally clicked in my brain to make this work for me. I knew all of these things about the importance of working out and also fueling your body the right way but until I really started paying attention to what I was putting in my body nothing was working for me.

60 days ago I weighed in on our first day of the challenge at 118.2. Today I weigh 110.2. I lost 8 pounds! I know that doesn't sound like a lot but it's a lot for me. More importantly I made a huge jump in the reshaping of my body!! I am wearing jeans that I haven't been able to wear for about 2 years and they are 3 jeans sizes smaller than I was wearing!! There's a pair that I couldn't get past the middle of my thighs and now I need to wear a belt!! This is so much more important to me than numbers on the scale.

I've also completey changed what I eat. I'm eating more clean than I ever have in my life. My Shakeology every single morning was the game changer for me. Starting the day so healthy inspired me to choose better the rest of the day and the Insanity workouts are so darn exhausting that I am not willing to ruin all that sweaty hard work by putting crap in my body. I firmly believe that Shakeology has made all the difference for me. I've always worked out, I trained for and completed a 1/2 marathon last December and a second one in June and I actually gained weight training for that and felt awful. I was doing Insanity as well before the challenge but until I added Shakeology I was just plugging along without seeing much physical change. With Shakeology I lost my sweet tooth, I lost the belly bloat and am now seeing some ab definition, my headaches are gone that I used to get every month prior to the start of my period, my skin is nicer, my nails and hair are growing faster, I feel full and satisfied, I lost a ton of cravings and I haven't been to Starbucks since June…..I could go on and on.

I could keep writing a book here, but I will wrap up by saying that I cannot believe the woman I am today compared to 60 days ago. I firmly believe in myself now, I see myself becoming that fit, healthy woman I've always had in my head. Actually, I feel like I am her now and am just continuing to get better and better with the fitness, nutrition and shaping my body. I've come way out of my comfort zone, I've posted before and after pictures of myself in a bikini online!! That is amazing all in itself! I've overcome so many self-esteem blocks that I've been holding on to. I no longer feel like I will sabotage all this hard work.

My journey is not over now just because the 60 day challenge has been completed. This was the jump start for the rest of my life. The jumpstart to my new lifestyle. I look forward to continuing to reshape my body and get healthier inside and out.  My husband is getting on the bandwagon with me, my girls are eating healthier and working out with me and I've become a Beachbody Coach!!!!

I've created my own page so that I'm able to keep up this inspiration, motivation and accountability that I've experienced with this group. I hold the reigns to my future now. I no longer feel held hostage by my own limiting beliefs. I have huge goals and aspirations that I never had before. This has completely changed my life. I'm a whole new woman, I've found my groove, I've found my thing and it's here to stay.

Thank you everyone from the No Excuses Challenge Group and thank you Coach Deb for all you have done for me and all of us!! I will only continue to learn, grow and get better!! I'm super excited to create my own challenge groups and help others make progress on their health and nutrition goals too.

Love you all and come visit me and join me over at A Happy Fit Life on Facebook!! That's where I'll be!!



P.S. - If you want to know more about my journey, Beachbody workouts or information on my protein drink Shakeology click on the links in blue to go to my websites, write a comment on the blog or Facebook or send me an email to ecpmartinez@comcast.net

Find me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest too!!

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