January 10, 2012

I finally did it! What took me so long?

I just ordered my very own A Course in Miracles text and workbook!  I don't know what took me so long to do it.
I've been studying these lessons for quite some time, but have never begun using the original text and workbook. It's been something I've wanted to do but have had fear of committing to it. I don't know why.  I've been thinking about that all day today.  
Well....not anymore! I'm getting rid of the fear and moving out of my comfort zone. Incorporating these daily Course lessons into my new daily practice of writing in my gratitude journal and learning how to meditate will only help me grow in ways I'm sure I could never imagine.
I will keep you all posted on what I'm learning and the questions and ponderings I have as I study each day's lesson. 
I can't wait to get my mail each day until my book arrives!!
Please join me on this journey or share with me your love of the book, the lessons you've learned and how it changed your life.  I'm excited to share with you and I look forward to hearing from you!!!



  1. waiting is the worst... thats why im glad i have amazon prime (yay discounted student membership) and had that book mailed to me in two days!

  2. I agree Torri! I'm still waiting. I ordered from a local used book store through Amazon. I'm going to call today because it still hasn't shipped. Darn! Guess it's a test of my patience. :)
