February 21, 2012

I've been afraid

Hello there!  It's been quite awhile since I posted.  I have had so many ideas for my blog, like design changes, daily posts, a weekly recap, updates on the happenings in my life, fabulous things I've learned from other blogs, radio shows, etc. However, to be honest right here and right now, I've been scared. Fear was holding me back from being authentic and showing the real me.

I am amazingly excited about this blog and how it allows me to get things out and share with you my ramblings and my view of the world.  However, there has been a small part of me who asks "who do I think I am?  Who is interested in what I think or what I have to say?"  This speaks volumes to me.  From what I have learned the past few years about myself and my spirituality this is not me.  This is my ego talking and I've let my ego take control.  My ego is scared, my ego is telling me I can't do this.  I am not my ego!  I am no longer listening and I'm back in charge.  I'm taking back my power and doing what I want.  Letting the ego take over is easier.  It's easy to sit back and not take a risk and do something.  It's easier to believe the ego rather than my inner self, my inner guide who knows me and what I'm capable of doing.  My inner guide (or my ING as Gabrielle Bernstein says) knows the woman I want to be and am on my way to becoming.  It's time to let my ING guide me.

This blog excites me and has me thinking about it all day.  I've been a little afraid to put some things out there for you all to read for fear of what you may think of me.  I re-read my very first blog post.  It was full of excitement and passion.  I could feel that just reading it.  That Christina, that wasn't listening to her ego, is back in charge again.

So.......I'm going to push forward and just do this!!  You'll be seeing so much more from me.  I need to update you on my Course in Miracles lessons, I need to update you on my meditation practice and I have so much to share that I've learned from other blogs, conversations and daily life.  I'm not afraid anymore!  Please stay with me.  I've got a lot of things coming!!

Love and blessings to you all!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing what you have posted today.

    You're welcome to stop by for a visit as well.
