April 6, 2012

Will I be hanging out of my window tonight? Will you join me?

Happy Good Friday to you and first full moon of the astrological year.  I read a lot about astrology, metaphysics, energy, meditation, etc.  I thought I’d summarize what I have learned about today’s full moon and let you in on something I plan on doing tonight.

Today’s full moon falls in the sign of Libra and will be at its peak at Noon pacific time today.  The full moon in Libra is about finding balance between yourself and your relationships.  If there are problems in any of your relationships (marriage, partners, family, co-workers, etc.) now is the time to work them out and come to a compromise.  We are more open during this time period and willing to work on things in order to achieve balance, peace and harmony in our life. 

Make sure and take a peek at the moon tonight.  It’s not only a full moon, but something that is often called a “Super Moon.”  This means the moon is at its closest position to earth, so it will look bigger and brighter.  This is the first of 3 consecutive Super Moons.  I’m crossing my fingers for a clear night to be able to see this.  In the same way the moon has power over the ocean tides, it does the same in our body and mind.  We are all vibrational beings full of energy.  We are all definitely affected by the powerful energy of the full moon. 

It's a good night to do a full moon meditation.  Meditating on a full moon helps you to look within yourself and has a calming effect on you.  Full moons are about releasing and cleansing the body and mind.  I don't do this all the time but I have done it before and really felt amazing afterwards.  I was a little nervous one night.  I was hanging out of one of the windows in our bonus room upstairs. The window was wide open and I was hanging out as much as I could.  I was hoping I wouldn’t get caught by one of my neighbors.  No one said anything to me so either they didn’t see me or don’t even want to know what the heck I was doing.

Here’s what I do.   Go outside or open a window and be in the fresh air and face the moon, look up at it and imagine the energies of the moon coming down and pouring into you.  Release anything that you no longer want to hold on to, anything that is no longer useful to you or has a hold on you.  Release those negative energies that you don’t need any longer.  Release them up into the sky and let the powerful, positive energy of the moon fill up that space.  Have clear intentions of the changes you'd like to make in your life and hold them in your mind, feel them in your heart, see them happening.  Let the amazing energy of the moon fill you up.  Breathe in the fresh air.  With every breath in, breathe in positive, loving, joyful energy and with every breath out imagine those things you want to release leaving you and floating away.  Bring in the positive love with each breath in and let out the negative with each breath out.  Do this for as long as you need to, until you don’t feel the connection to those things any longer and are filled up with love.

Now, to bring this full circle and back to today being Good Friday, I read this quote from Marianne Williamson today and thought this summarizes this blog very well.  Think of everything you've ever experienced that was painful; that's the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that's the meaning of Easter.” ~Marianne Williamson
So tonight, if you feel like doing so stand before the full moon and release the pain, anything that no longer serves you and let the coming of Easter on Sunday fill your heart, mind, body and spirit with love.  Fill up with love, show love, be love…..love is all you need.
Let me know if you do this and how you feel.  I look forward to hearing from you!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me, for I found this very informative!
