May 24, 2012

How the Universe used an old man and a piano to give me a lesson in love and inner beauty

Well, it has been way too long since I have written. Ever since I returned from my amazing trip to the Hay House I Can Do It Conference in Vancouver, BC I’ve been a pretty crazy, busy girl! I just received my USB port with all the lectures from the Hay House conference. I can’t wait to go through all my 40 pages of notes and get to you the insights and inspiring moments I had there.

But for right now, I just have to share with you an amazing, heart print moment I shared with my husband and girls just about 2 weeks ago.

We went to Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle to visit my grandfather, for what I didn’t know at the time, would be my very last visit. He passed away a few days later. I’m okay….my grandfather lived an amazingly full life for 87 years. He was an avid skier and mountain climber his entire life. In fact, he skied for the last time just this past January!! We’ll be having a memorial service for him in the next few weeks to honor and celebrate him.

To go on with my story. We were in the waiting room, I believe on the 9th floor, and my husband and I noticed a very old, frail, extremely hunched over man going by using a walker. He had on thick, dark glasses and had a nurse and another woman with him. We went about the visit and I didn’t think anything of it after that.
We were leaving the hospital and as we were getting off the elevator we heard this beautiful, live piano music coming from the lobby. I thought to myself how nice it was to have such calming music in the lobby of a hospital. As we got closer, my husband and I both noticed that this beautiful piano music was being played by the frail man with a walker we just saw upstairs!! I couldn’t believe it and felt this rush of love fill my heart. In fact just writing about this right now I am emotional and have tears in my eyes. I have re-told this story many times this past week and come to tears each time.

I looked over at my husband and I knew, just by looking at him, he was feeling the exact same thing as I was. We didn’t have to say a word to each other it was too much to put into words. It was just a smile and look into each other's eyes that went straight into our hearts.  A minute later my daughter noticed this exchange between us and asked what was wrong. Nothing was wrong, it was just too beautiful to express. It was extremely emotional for me.

I do not know this man’s story or life journey but I have had many thoughts about him. He could have been a concert pianist or composer. He could have Alzheimer’s disease and this could be the only thing he remembers how to do in his life. His hands were moving effortlessly and gracefully over the keys.  If he had arthritis or any pain in his hands there was no evidence of that at all.  This could be his therapy and how he feels at peace, his meditation. I don’t know this man and there are millions of other stories we could make up.

The one thing I know for sure is, this music, by this frail old man was absolutely beautiful. Just looking at him you’d never imagine this coming from him. You just don’t know what a person is capable of. It definitely goes to show you that you never, never judge a book by its cover. This man from all outside appearances is old, wrinkled and extremely frail.  He’s had a long life but the beauty he has inside of him, the love of music he has inside of him just radiated throughout that room and into everyone’s heart that experienced his music. I will never, ever forget this moment that made an imprint on my heart.  I will hold the love this beautiful man gave to us through his music in my heart forever.

Have you had a "heart print" moment?  Please share, we'd all love to hear about it.  These moments warm all of our hearts when we share them with one another.  The heart prints just keep spreading through us all.




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  2. Thank you very much for your note! I appreciate hearing from readers. ~Christina
