May 4, 2012

Vancouver, BC here we come!!

Well, it’s finally here. The day has arrived when I take off early from work with 2 of my friends and we head to Vancouver, BC to attend the Hay House I Can Do It conference!! We’ve been looking forward to this for months. We’ve been talking about it all week. I can’t even imagine how it’s going to feel to be in the such a high vibrational place with over 2,700 spiritually like-minded people. It’s going to be amazing!

I’ve been following Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and Marianne Williamson for years now and to see them in person, hear them speak and hopefully get the chance to meet them will be amazing!! Dr. Dyer changed my life with his book The Power of Intention. From there I was led to A Course in Miracles, the Law of Attraction and I found my ~ING with the help of Gabrielle Bernstein.

This adventure has led me to more and more and more. Finding Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks through this journey was also a pivotal moment in my spiritual life. Had I not ever come to know these universal laws, I honestly don’t know where my life would be right now.  This new way of thinking about my life and the world got me through some very troubling and dark times. Had I not learned these lessons I would have made some decisions that would have changed my life's direction. I was opened up to a new way of life and a new way of thinking. I began living my life and making decisions based on love instead of fear. I’d be in a much different place today had I not taken this journey.

I’m so anxious to see and hear from these great spiritual teachers I have been learning from. I’m hoping to be able to Tweet, Facebook and blog while I’m there but I’m not sure how the WIFI connection will be in Canada or if it will cost me a small fortune to log on. If I can, you will absolutely be getting live updates from me. If I can’t, you can count on me to take massive amounts of notes and I will fill you all in just as soon as I can. Here’s a sneak peek at the conference! As you can see it’s jam packed with fabulous speakers and topics.

Talk to you soon!! Have a beautiful weekend!


Wishes Fulfilled: Master the Art of Manifesting

This lecture is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible-and "all things" means that nothing is left out.

By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes-all of them-can indeed be fulfilled.

Deep Truth: Living on the Edge of the Worlds Perfect Storm

A new world has arrived and life, as we’ve known it in the past, has changed forever! The question is no longer when a great shift will occur? The question now is where are the changes leading, what can we realistically expect, and what does it all mean for us—our families, our communities, our lives?’

In this compelling new program, bestselling author and futurist Gregg Braden marries his expertise in science and technology with the intimate knowledge preserved by the world’s indigenous elders to answer the questions on everyone mind:

1) What does our changing world mean to us?

2) What can we do to ease the transition?

In this program discover keys that help you:

• stay healthy

• adapt your finances and lifestyles accordingly

• find your life’s purpose and live a fulfilling life

• provide sustainably for your families

Through a powerful synthesis of easy-to understand science and the wisdom traditions of the past, this multi-media program explores the triggers underlying the present cycle of global, and personal, change as well as the life-affirming shifts that we can make that give meaning, and hope, for the new world that is emerging before our eyes!

The Art of Aligning Body and Soul

Join world renowned spiritual teacher and author Marianne Williamson and learn how to transform your relationship with yourself and your body. Marianne shares her groundbreaking holistic paradigm for self-love and healing. Learn the true spiritual, emotional, and psychological elements involved in conscious life changes and fundamental self-acceptance. With her insight, you’ll dig deep into your subconscious mind and shine light on your emotional shadows—the unprocessed feelings, negative thoughts, and fear-based attitudes—that are keeping you from bringing peace and happiness into your life. Ultimately, you’ll get back to the truth of who you are— in both body and soul. With Marianne’s profound wisdom and support, you’ll learn to integrate all the incredible aspects of yourself—mind, body, and spirit—to finally become the beautiful and peaceful person you were created to be.

Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels

You have powerful and loving guardian angels with you, right now, and in this seminar Doreen Virtue will help you to more clearly hear and feel them. Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening evening, where she shares her newest angel messages for these current times. She'll also discuss how to work with your angels as you make important and healthful changes in your career, lifestyle, relationships, and much more.

Doreen will discuss her newest card deck, Angel Tarot Cards and share how they will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!. She'll guide you through Angel Therapy™ healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Doreen will also give angel readings to audience members.

Holding Steady in Times of Change

During times of great change it's important to lean on the tried-and-true principles that support an evolving spiritual journey. During this keynote address, Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson will talk about these principles and offer you specific ways to use them in your life. You'll learn about the importance of taking simple steps consistently; practical tools to maintain optimism during stressful times; the creative power of patience, ways to shore up your faith in Divine order, and developing the ability to attract what you need by putting (and keeping) yourself in the right state of mind. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll leave feeling inspired to use change as a catalyst for living an exceptional life.

The Science of Personal and Global Transformation

We are in the midst of an incredible evolutionary event. Leading edge science is shattering old myths and rewriting the fundamental beliefs of human civilization. Cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce H. Lipton offers a “new” biology that takes us beyond economic collapse, climate change and religious extremes to reveal that such chaos is a natural step in an unfolding process, rather than the tragic end to a broken planet. A revolution in science provides new awareness that will help us navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history and reveals how each of us can actively participate in this global evolutionary shift. Based on his bestselling books, The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution, Bruce presents frontier science that illuminates the hidden connections among biology, psychology, spirituality and our imminent evolutionary upheaval. This dynamic presentation on the nature of how consciousness interfaces biology reveals how our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and our place in the world. Rich in detail, yet accessible to the layperson, Bruce’s multimedia presentation offers new awareness that can facilitate our evolution from passive victims to responsible co-creators, while simultaneously offering the opportunity to heal ourselves and the planet.

Exploring Psychic Versus Energetic Disorders

We now live in the Age of Energy. We’re as active in our energy-technical culture as we are in our physical, if not more so. Many of us are technical, computer, I-phone, and email addicts, unable to be away from the Internet for more than 30 minutes without checking into the global satellite network system and its “energy lines of communication.”

This phenomenal shift in technology is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what it represents in the realm of change. As a species, we too have undergone a quantum shift. In the past 50 years, we’ve shifted from being essentially five-sensory to becoming a multi-sensory species. We’re far more emotionally and psychically active than any previous human generation. Opening up our collective psychic/psyche/soul field while simultaneously manifesting that opening technically (a.k.a. the Internet), has resulted in the phenomenon of “psychic disorders” on a massive scale for the first time in human history. The problem is that while we speak about body/mind/spirit medicine and claim to follow a template of holism, none of our practices reflect that. That is, we’ve yet to even consider that psychic disorders exist, much less has the medical community conducted research into developing technology to test, measure, and treat energetic disorders. Instead, they fall into the realm of imagined, neurotic, or misdiagnosed.

Shift Happens! Taking the Next Step in Your Life

'Two caterpillars were crawling along a tree branch one day when a butterfly flew overhead. One caterpillar said to the other, ‘You will never get me up in one of those things.' Join Robert Holden for an inspiring inquiry into personal alchemy, inner transformation and new beginnings. Robert will talk about the people, the principles, and the practices that have changed his life and inspired his work.

Key themes will include:

1) You are what you seek!
2) Saying YES to inspiration.
3) Love is your true power.
4) Letting yourself be helped
5) Forgiveness gives you wings
6) Live now, procrastinate later!

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