Oh my gosh I had tears of joy over the weekend and was doing the happy dance with the results that our 5 Day Cleaner Eating Challenge group was posting. This is exactly why I do this and exactly why I love coaching!! I love that they are all making positive changes in their lives. With their positive changes they are being an example and inspiring others to do the same. Just to think that we had a little part in this for them just makes me so happy and warms my heart.
Here's just a sample of the many result posts:

Brittany B - My results are in. 5 1/2 pounds! I think I need to do a little happy dance! I definitely want to do these in the future! Way to start off my weekend!
Here's just a sample of the many result posts:

Brittany B - My results are in. 5 1/2 pounds! I think I need to do a little happy dance! I definitely want to do these in the future! Way to start off my weekend!
Angela T – I can now say I completely get why eating right + exercise makes a difference. I can do all the exercise in the world but if I don't watch what I eat I won't really see much results.
Gloria B - I am shocked by my results!!!!! I have lost 7.4 lbs in 5 days!!! How is that even possible?!!!
Tina F - I lost a total of 4.4 lbs and gained more energy
Jonda G - Loved the meals!! Really enjoyed being a part of the group!
Tracy V - Lost 4 lbs and a couple inches, felt better, and slept better
There are several more like that and they all deserve a huge pat on the back!! We all need that little jump start and kick in the pants.
I know what you're thinking right now. You really wish you would have taken us up on this challenge too. Well lucky for you we have a Phase 2 starting November 3rd!! Still time to join us!!
We will be doing the 21 Day Fix program starting Monday, November 3rd. This is all about easy, color coded container portion control and super fun 30 minute workouts each day. The workouts, the containers, the food lists, recipes, Shakeology, it’s ALL INCLUDED!! That's how we roll. That's how we do things!! We give you everything you need including our personal coaching!! Here's a quick video to see what it's all about.
How about you go into Thanksgiving several pounds lighter, feeling fantastic, and enjoy that dinner without guilt! If you’d like, you can even continue and do another round after Thanksgiving week and be done before Christmas. You’ll already have everything you need to do it as many times and as often as you’d like.
Contact me and let me know if you want in!!
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