September 18, 2015

My Instagrammed Life

My fabulous friend Debi posted this today and I just had to share. Your marriage or your most significant relationship is the most important one to take care of. That person should be your first, most important priority. Yes, when we have kids we are busier and they are certainly a priority, but always be intentional about making time for for your spouse, making them feel loved and appreciated. Keep your relationship up. Never stop working on it. When my husband and I got married, we had to take marriage classes at the church. The most important thing our priest told us, that I still remember to this day, is to make sure we put one another first. We came together because of our love for each other and we will be making a family. We are given these children to nurture and raise and to leave us and have their own lives. If we haven't taken care of our marriage during this time, the kids leave and you look at the stranger across from you and realize you don't know one another any more. Take these great points and make sure your significant other feels most appreciated and loved starting today!! #ahappyfitlife via Instagram: @chrissymartinez

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